Easy Ways to Lower Your Apartment's Utility Bill This Winter

There are several easy steps you can take to help lower your utility bill this winter. Set your thermostat to 65 degrees when you are not home. Turn off lights when you are not using them. Wash your clothes in cold water. Unplug electronics when not in use.

Easy Ways to Lower Your Apartment's Utility Bill This Winter

Winter is here, which means higher utility bills are right around the corner. But there are some easy things you can do in your apartment right now to keep your bill low this winter. Your wallet will thank you.

Set your thermostat lower.

Turn your thermostat down at night and when you are not home. To save even more money, set the thermostat to 65 degrees or lower when you are gone. This will make sure that your house doesn't get too cold while you're away from home.

Turn off lights.

It sounds simple but it can be easy to forget. When you leave a room, turn off the lights. When you go to bed at night, turn off all of your lights and television sets. When you go out for the day, turn off any unnecessary lights before you leave your home to keep them from wasting energy all day long while no one is there.

Use energy efficient light bulbs. If you have any incandescent light bulbs in your house, then you should replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). CFLs use one-fourth of the electricity that an incandescent bulb uses and last ten times longer.

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Wash clothes in cold water.

If you have laundry in your apartment, this tip is for you. To save more energy, wash your clothes in cold water. Hot water is not necessary to effectively remove dirt, and it will cost you more money than cold water.

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Unplug electronics when you're not using them.

Unplugging electronics when they're not in use is a simple way to save money on your utility bill. The easiest way to help reduce your energy usage is by unplugging electronics when they're not in use. You can also consider purchasing a power strip that has an on/off switch.

Computers and other electronic devices draw power even when turned off; they will still consume energy if connected to an outlet.

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Seal your apartment and keep the heat in.

Weather strips are your best friends when it comes to keeping the heat in. You can use weather stripping around doors and windows to block cold air from coming into your home through them.

Consider adding thick area rugs to act as additional insulation. This can save you money by reducing your heating bills and making your home more comfortable in the winter months. Check out more tips for winterizing your apartment here.

You will save money with these easy steps.

There are several easy steps you can take to help lower your utility bill this winter.

  • Set your thermostat to 65 degrees when you are not home.
  • Turn off lights when you are not using them.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water.
  • Unplug electronics when not in use.

We hope these tips will help you save money on your utility bill this winter. If you follow them all, you can expect to see a significant reduction in your monthly expenses.

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